"If you lose passion in what you do. You lose a part of what you are."

~R.T. II

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Writer's Struggle: Writer's Block!

Writer’s Block

…the struggle is real.

A condition (as described here) where a author loses his/her mojo when developing ideas. It can strike anywhere, anytime, and can last for days, weeks, months... even years. Turns out, when I first started realizing how bad writer's block can get I found out first hand. I never expected it to be as great until researching for myself. The struggle is truly as real as this whole thirst craze.

Writer's Block came into fruition (description) around 1947 by Edmund Bergler, an American psychoanalyst who covered a wide range of topics in his day.

Calvin & Hobbes

Not to digress from the main fight at hand. Writer’s block, for me, happens randomly. I can be writing and then all of a sudden I go blank, trying to edit to make a sentence or paragraph evolve from simplicity (not to say the ‘Ernest Hemingway’ method is a bad thing, it totally works!) only to fizzle out in the brain like a car out of gas. So far I know distractions are not the cause. I written Shadow Genesis: Volume One while invaded by children… an dealing with work and other life things.

Could it be a lack of inspiration? It is common for writer’s block to claim this absence of muse and indeed it strikes true. When one loses their motivation to write, it can be a very terrifying experience. Speaking of terrifying, fear is also a factor. Perhaps you’re scared of not making it in the writing world. I for one had such a fear, overwhelmed by things that should not matter… like others being better than me, writing with ‘extreme elegance’ I call it, or, criticism hits that can be very destructive than constructive. I cannot truly say depression for me is a cause because when I was writing my first novel I was in a depressing state of mind… leaving college and losing a lot and on top of that crazy drama should have affected me… but it did not. Realizing how much time and effort I have, I put all my energy into writing. The writer’s blocks I did experience were little blank blotches easily killed by…

…video gaming.

That’s right folks, a way to destroy your mojo-killers is to indulge in things that bring you said motivation. I am a gamer, love anime, love to read and at times I do a bit of ‘drawing’ or designing, even music, for they too are big hobbies of mine. Since I am a fantasy nut, I keep myself surrounded in all these great elements that make me ‘Me’, and it fuels my motivation. Like a big power-up… that mushroom out the block or gold star power… see where I am going with this?

However, I still do catch a bit of the ‘Blockage’ but they last for a short time. Monday I caught it bad, and it last for only a few hours. I was back in the writing phase and done with a chapter in… well a few hours… writing slow, but I got the job done. When not writing (weekends the greatest for those are my breaks) I am busy doing other things, but constantly brainstorming in the process. Maybe all of that thinking and processing also creates an impending block. This can happen to me if I don’t quickly jot down what I am thinking, thus losing something really good, and drawing a blank trying to remember.

Luckily for me, I remember a good deal… given its triggers. For example, I can be downloading a new tune, or watching an episode of one of my favorite shows and suddenly I remember everything I was previously concocting, reclaiming my muse, and off to fantasy land I go.

I also, at a time before little now, just ‘Free-write’. I will just create a scene or something out of thin air. Does not even have to be from my projects, thus randomly generating a character, plot, setting, dialogue, the works. I use to do this a lot, exercising my brain on a regular before tackling the big ones, and it usually proves successful for me at least. Like starting up a car and letting it warm up before cruising out, I kick the brain up, get it toasty, and roll out Autobot style.

Those writing exercises is what created The Multiverse Project.

So, to stack up these blockers, here is what can put you in a writer’s block.


  • Fear (a big sense that covers other causes.)
  • Depression (life issues, etc.)
  • Lack of Inspiration (losing motivation, etc.)
  • Distraction (outside issues, noise, etc.)
  • Illness
  • Intimidation
  • Insecurity (self-doubt)
  • Rejection (denial of acceptance, etc.)
  • Pressure (over thinking, etc.)


  • Reading (reading your favorite novels, magazines, etc.)
  • Free-Writing (just write, let yourself write with no restraints, with no pressure)
  • Gaming (works for me, gamer perk)
  • Rest (self-explanatory)
  • Engaging in other works (working on other projects, etc.)
  • Music
  • Living life with ease

It is fine to feel as if you will fail. Failure brings progress, learning, and the ability to grow and overcome. As I said in a previous post, perfection is non-existent. In order to evolve, one must encounter error. It is how we learn as mammals.

Understand within yourself that all good things come to those who work for it, but with work comes obstacles, and with obstacles comes solutions. Writer’s block is an obstacle that any can overcome, and while sometimes it can be a year-long beast, there are ways in defeating this hindering foe.

There is always a way to slay the beast.

Helpful Sites:

Don't let writer's block overstay its welcome!

Stay Tuned!

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