"If you lose passion in what you do. You lose a part of what you are."

~R.T. II

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Yes, it has been a few days of me being ‘absent’, but with reason, minus the excuses.

Through the week I have been occupied. Writing at most and other life things people do with themselves than just sitting around, which is cool to do, for I can do just that too. I am a bit of a homebody. I don’t do clubs, nor do I run the streets like so many do. I am a gamer type and love a good show, and when the inspiration trickles in I sure do take notes.

But sometimes I wonder if what I learn is actually applying itself.

I suppose that is my own personal critic.


The Shadow Khan Project is coming along fine. Slow, but I am the type who can’t rush something I believe will be something good when truly finished in my eyes. I would throw in some sort of metaphor or other clever string of words, but I am feeling a bit raw (as always). 

Shadow Genesis is still in 3rd draft and I am a few chapters in. However, I went back to chapter one and made a few tweaks and cut-downs in word count. Chapter one’s word total is around 8k (8,000something). Although there are no rules to chapter length, let alone having or not having chapter numbers in a novel, I have this thing that when I write, I write until a scene is done. Of course each chapter has several scenes, but sometimes the scenes are more than a few pages long. Composition thing… but it’ll sort itself out as I keep on revising. I do feel it should be shorter, but the other half of me says: “The story will reach its own limit as you write.”

Simply put, my work is freakin’ sentient.


  • SG Book II 2nd Draft Pending
  • SG Book III 1st Draft 20%

Project Chosen One is very slow going, only because I continue to redesign (mentally) or change up plot for the script. Since I am writing in script format (like a media script but for graphic novel) I still find the style and format new to me in Scrivener. It is however a nice change of flow between projects, but in good time I’ll have everything done.


Project Multiverse received a change of narrative. I am looking to tell the seemingly infinite adventures of Ricven as he travels the multiverse and gets into all sorts of shenanigans and such with others, as well as the ole keeping the balance ordeal. It’s massive, bigger than any could imagine, so the first batch of stories (including those done on DeviantArt) will come in handy as planned.


As for Slumgarde, it is still in plotting phase. Experimenting with the snowflake method on that one.

I know things are taking awhile. People ask when the next Shadow Genesis is coming out, and I tell them like always "In due time". There is no way one can just rush a good story. Yeah one can write a book in a month, but that is just a first draft... and I've proved to myself I could do that on my own. I even went further and written a 50chapter novel out of that. That is adding twenty more chapters to a book I first drafted in a month. My schedule was early mornings if not away from home, and if occupied elsewhere I make it up at night or in between. Everyday I write, but I can no longer stress myself on it for I have overexerted myself once. Is why I do other things to keep from hitting a pit again.

I am not always-always writing, but I 'AM' writing!

I keep my blog updated just for them, those who actually support me, and for myself, since building a author blog is essential to me, and will pay off in the long run. It's not easy doing what I do, even when some say what I do is a cake walk, but it is a challenge everyday writing, re-writing, researching, note taking, all that, just so this major project gets what it deserves... for Preludes of War was my first book, my own personal achievement, and a piece of work I knew I could do better with.

Hence the reboot.

Now if you can excuse me, the Inquisition is calling.

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