"If you lose passion in what you do. You lose a part of what you are."

~R.T. II

Monday, January 12, 2015


Glynhroth Fernmire, a puckish half-elf with magic fingers, hatches what will be the greatest theft in Nirvraskan history: Raiding Dirkwall Highfort’s impenetrable nest egg of wealth, the Goldvault, and bring the ghettos of Slumgarde out of squalor. With the help of his ragtag team of misfits his ultimate heist is absolutely foolproof…or so it appears. Something wicked is amidst.

Last night I was writing in the Project Ghetto Elf manuscript titled ‘Slumgarde’ and really found the groove needed to carry on the story. Slumgarde is an action adventure comedy that tells the tale of a half-elf thief and his friends who have their own problems to fix as they plan the ultimate heist. It will not be an easy feat, for there is more to the story than just a gang of misfits looking to redeem themselves off of their Dirkwall city’s precious vault of goodies. This project is worked through the snowflake method, an entirely new method of me to work with since I usually write without pre-plotting ahead. Therefore this story just might come out as complex from its simple summary above and that there is a good thing.

I have four main characters. One of them is Glynroth Fernmire the half-elf thief who is puckish, sharp-wit, and unfiltered in mindset. The other three are:

Dwyte Allnutt: A man who has gambled his life and family away.

Thalgred Graycloak: A drunken dwarf of guts and tall-tales that heavily fabricate an unpleasant truth.

Blip Nimblefoot: A brainy gnome of quirky innovation, and flaw.

Of course the dwarf is a drunk and the gnome is a tinkerer but hey, I like to mess with the cliché and see where it goes… for even the familiar of tunes can hit different tones. This is actually my first time using the drunken dwarf cliché. Slumgarde overall is just as unique and a change of pace for me when not in the Shadow Khan Project, and Project Chosen One (Slicka) is just as wild.

Back to a bit of SG:I edits. Today is a rainy day.

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