"If you lose passion in what you do. You lose a part of what you are."

~R.T. II

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Perfection is impossible.

Funny how it is always the delusional perfectionists claiming all other things are impossible save for their own selves.


Perfection = Flawless Excellence. To be flawless is to be spotless, to be spotless is to be unsoiled… void of all faults and imperfections… pretty much in the realms of God Hood… or as in, my roleplayer world says: “God Mode”. One is untouchable and impervious to all; therefore, they are above-and-beyond.

No one is above-and-beyond anyone on this blue rock.

Why do people tend to live in the belief that perfection exists? Is it some sort of influence punch? Pressure? The need to be the apex of human condition for better gain in ‘Life’s Greatest Fruits’? Perhaps it is some sort of… code in our genetic blueprints that allows us to act in such behavior in natural attempt to better ourselves. Goes back to the whole “I am better than you,” line. Possibility there, to be ‘better’ than someone maybe… but… just when one believes themselves the ‘better’, they find themselves no better than the ones they seek to over-climb.

See that?

I always say: “There will always be one better than you,” to those who ‘think’ in such a way. Everyone has their own talents, skills, paths, goals, dreams, things of that nature in which the universe works within them to make their ambitions ‘happen’.

Oh, Ambition… I recall long ago one claiming I have no ambition. Yet do they realize the spirit I have inside myself. For you know, ambition is also spirit.

I touch on these today, because for years I have faced those who had this firm belief of themselves being the ultimate life form or something. How they act towards another of ‘lowliness’ is as if they are crown-headed kings/queens sitting on some pretty gold throne of diamonds with their feet getting washed by their commoner folk… expecting you to polish their toe nails and buff their heels. Long ago, I use to let this get to me bad. I would dwell on the matter so much that… I lose my own way in what I want to do in life. See perfection hinders one from completing their own goals because they are under the clouded notion of being absolutely ‘complete’ and ‘unstoppable’ in said level of ‘power’. It stops them forever, keeps them unable to ‘EVOLVE’.

How can we strive for perfection when we are design to evolve through the years? From the womb to the tomb, we live and we learn. We gain experience through life’s tough lessons that enable us to be better people in whatever we do. When I came to realize this, I started to see not only I grow on a steady path, but also others who found their ‘perfection’ miss out. The cloud of theirs fizzles away like a false dream dissolving into nothingness as they fall butt-cheek first into the hard grounds of reality… crater and all.

It got bad when I started writing seriously.

I met a few who try to fashion their writing as being the best art anyone has ever read. These writers be the most conceited of the crop, and they separate from the others who never believe themselves as ‘Perfectly Epic Writers’ because, we all make mistakes and continue to improve. No writer is perfect, none that I know even know the things I know… that can actually KNOW if they open their minds… but are too closed-minded in their unbeatable belief of being perfect than us all. No one can write over a thousand words in one single day and say: “This is perfect.” – It is impossible because the mind will always have that itch to ‘change’. Change is natural, no matter how you try to hammer things down. Nails into wood but the wood gets old and the nails rust along with the elements… you are going to have to ‘upgrade’.

… okay maybe the nail/wood line is a bit weird so let us pretend I didn’t say that… HA!

I know many like this, priding themselves over their writing and looking down at others with terrible critique skills that demoralize and degrade many from even trying to write, let alone create. This ‘constructive criticism’… as they say… is the worse. Truth Be Told: It is Destructive… not constructive. They aim to deter you from writing because your grammar is off or your style is ‘unimpressive’ or not up to their standards/expectations. The ‘sheep’ they herd follow them and their flock because their flashy writing entices the eyes and stimulates the brain on an ‘intellectual level’… but on the outside, it is just jingles and glams, until another comes in with decency and they are auto-threatened. See the thing is, to me, these people fail to grasp (and will argue their points in a means to justify their acts) that being a writer is not about ‘Fame and Glory’, but sharing, expressing, reaching out. It is an art… not a power, not some weapon of tyranny or some big bottle of Ego-Gatorade. And trust when I say this… many who believe their writing is so ‘great’ got their heads as big as blimps… vulnerable to pops. We create to show others our world, our stories, our pains, joys, sorrows… our spirits. We write from our own, and are not afraid to show the dark side of ourselves.

We all have a dark side. (Insert thriller sound)

I see this ‘I am better than you because I write better’ logic every day… especially where I enjoy my time roleplaying via text base play. Being an Author (although indie and going) I can say I had a few believe me as arrogant, conceited, above-and-beyond, because I got a book published… and now I too sit in the clouds on a shiny throne getting my feet shine and kissed on.


There are many insecure writers too. They are so scared of their work beat on because of what they see already happening. However, there is nothing I can do to sway the minds of those who have been already poisoned by these thoughts, and if such manipulation happen back then when I was sensitive, I probably would not be as far as I am now in my own path to success… and even then… I still remain humble and giving. How I was raised, coming up with nothing but what my folks provided by their own ambitions, I have learned that being ‘Perfect’ is a sham. Growing up my encouragement of others grows, and I am not afraid to admit wrongs, and I am always happy to aid when I can in tip-pointing others on their path to their own goals. I am, at the moment, revising my novel in a way that I feel from within myself is best. I saw my own errors, listen to others of good vibes and constructive help, and with those at my side instead of behind me, work to make this better… not perfect… better.

Oh yes I keep finding myself hammering nails too… or pulling them out… or replacing wood.

… yeah the nail and wood line makes a bit more sense now.

I can’t keep revising over forever though… that will dull the story, my mind, and my drive to get it out. Pining over it forever will slow me out, and there are editors around as soon as I get this baby out there, so I keep steady and my mind in check.

As for the flashy writing, to tell a good story is far greater than being a run-way fashion writer… as I call it. I write for story, I don’t pump my sentences with steroids and I don’t throw fake weaves and wigs on my plots to dress them up all ‘finger-snapping-fabulous’. My style is a mix though, there do be words that may confuse one on a ‘lower level’ (which I was told), but I was also told to continue my style, and continue I will. Sure, the advice stays in the brain, because there is always a time where I think back on tips and they actually WORK out in that time/place. Everything is useful to me in some way or form. And yes, there is a ‘way’ to write good and tell a story, but some people go ‘overboard’ to a point that pacing the story forward is stunted by ‘fluff’. Over-explaining something and/or trying to boast your ‘Ego-filled-intelligence’ on something in said story when it should be ‘Told by the story world’, not by you. I believe that is called Show Not Tell?

Finally, to those who feel frightened about writing, take an easy, learn the way, ask those you can trust to help you out, join a few groups, (but be careful) and always, always keep a positive mind. Negativity will bring you down every time. How will you proceed when bad vibes are at your back? Do not pretend to be something/someone that you are not, and stay true to yourself.

Always… ALWAYS… be yourself.

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