"If you lose passion in what you do. You lose a part of what you are."

~R.T. II

Monday, January 26, 2015


Shadow Genesis: Inception – 3rd Draft 98.5%
Yeah, a 98 and a half, because I'm goofy like that.
I am near complete with the 3rd draft of SG:I but I want to triple check a few things. A few events need a tiny redo, small edits,  and some ideas that call for said tiny remakes.
Meanwhile, worked up another map of Shadara. This clipped portion is the eastern lands of Shadara, Darkgear, which most of the reboot takes place in. South is Murkshroud (located beneath the Jendhe region), which is also Darkgearian controlled. Those who have read Shadow Genesis Volume I: Preludes of War should be familiar with a few names shown on this map, but this map is also a revision and part of Shadow Genesis: Inception.

As for map size, will put it this way: Traveling from Jendhe to Gameka is no hop skip. It takes around 796 miles walking. That's up to 260 hours. There are of course alternate methods of transportation, given that the world of Shadara is going through an era of Magitek. You heard me correctly. Magic and Machines are one in Shadara. Trust I got a lot of back lore for that one.

And that is it for today's update.


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