"If you lose passion in what you do. You lose a part of what you are."

~R.T. II

Thursday, January 29, 2015


At last I am done with Shadow Genesis: Inception's 3rd draft.

Wait, wait I feel I need to do a little comb over of changes to the first half. Nothing major, just tiny adjustments here and there.

I notice when I was revising into the endings of my story, I feel like the beginnings are not up to snuff compared to the second half of the manuscript. When I mean second half, I mean half of the story towards its end. What's previously done seems old and I get the urge to go back and refresh the starting portion. Call it a hammer down after a hammer down.

After this, off to next phase.

Earlier I also updated the cover. The last versions were just the start of this result, and the previous two before this one did not look as great compared to this. The text is readable and the colors match Shadara realm's atmosphere in which the story takes place. Plus the colors also represent a bit Shadaran sovereignty, the black, purples, and silver are actual royal colors.

Something not many know - and despite me being teased about loving purple - purple is the most compelling color of the rainbow (taste it, love it), and has its origins and symbolism that I've looked up for a long while. Enough to actually deem the color purple perfect for my original character, Shadow Khan himself. As for purple, it use to be a color of royals (look it up) and was a rare color back in the long-long days. It was also pulled from shellfish back then (look that up too, if you like). It may not be as it use to be nowadays with the color, but it still symbolizes nobility and so forth. This is still effective today across the globe.

Combine all there is about purple from its origins to now, you will notice how prominent of a color it is. You can find it in magic, spirituality, creative aspects and then some. Aside from just royalty and virtue (looking it up yet?), there are chalk full of meanings to look into. It's all about the wisdom of it, different customs, ages, cultures, you name it. Purple has both a positive and negative meaning, which I aim to incorporate in a few things within the Shadow Khan Project (or universe as I also put it).

So much for purple being a 'Lame Color', eh?

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